Tunisian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Migration and Aborad Shah Mahmood Qureshi met Today 22 with his Shah Mahmood Qureshi pakistan's minister of Foreign,as he attended the 48th Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers (CFM) convened by the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) on March 22-23 in Islamabad.

The meeting turned on Tunisia-Pakistan relations and how to strengthen it in futur, notably the Joint Commission meeting, reads a Foreign Ministry press release.
Both ministers stressed the need to speed up the
agreements, mainly the preferential trade agremment, as early as possible.


The two officials said there is need to rationalise the OIC action in a bid to boost Islamic joint action. This in addition to increasing cooperation among OIC members, mainly in relation to economy and development, in light of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic which demonstrated the importance of international solidarity.
During same occasion
Qureshi refered to Tunisia's role and support for the security and stability of North African countries. and its efforts to defend regional issues and regional and international peace and security.


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